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Join us on August 30th. The proceeds from the tournament will go toward funding our housing program, 12th Street Casas. Your donations will help our families as they adjust to managing home ownership, budgets and being a community builder. Donations will also go toward our teen and single mom work programs.

Check-in & lunch: 10am Shotgun Start: 11am

Please encourage your friends to enter. Talk to your business partners about sponsoring a hole.

Your support means so much to our community!

Updated: Aug 11, 2021

On May 1, we celebrated our annual fundraising gala "COVID Style" with a drive through event and dinner together outside! We had visitors from all over the city who were able to join us in celebration as our 12th Street Housing Project reached completion.

A huge thank you to our sponsors!

Home Sweet Home

David & Barbara Green

Nedra Funk

Dusty & Barbara Miller

Doug & Susan Stussi


Scott Sachs


Bowen Foundation

Gary Courtney

Joe & Judy Downs


John & Janet Hudson

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