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July Newsletter | Prayers Needed!


Dear FaithWorks’ Friends, FaithWorks has had a wonderful summer filled with summer camps! Many of you provided scholarships for our fourth graders and teenagers to attend Summit Camp in northeastern Oklahoma. Darrell Haley, our children’s program director, has been the camp director there for many years. Going to camp was an exciting adventure for our children and youth because most of them had never been to camp or away from home! Marlene, our cook, and her husband were the camp cooks and some of our staff and college students assisted as sponsors. I think this story sums up their experience. Jorge, a soft spoken, shy middle schooler, expressed himself this way. He said, “Guess what?” “I was accepted.” Not sure of what he meant, Mr. G, our teen program coordinator, asked, “Into what?” After a confusing discussion, it was understood. Jorge had given his life to Jesus. How many times have we wanted to be “accepted”? How many times have we been “left out” due to age, gender, race, income, or talent? The list goes on and on. Jorge got it right. He was accepted. Jesus accepted him just as he is. I love the authenticity of our children. No churchy words, just true, honest words expressing what Jesus did. Gladix was asked how she felt after asking Jesus into her heart. Her response, “I feel fresh, clean and new.” Thank you for giving our students and staff this opportunity. We are excited to encourage and mentor these young people as they grow in their relationship with Jesus. Changing the subject, I need your prayers. Oklahoma City Public Schools is voting on a bond issue, tentatively set for November 9th. Please understand, I am very supportive of any improvements that provide a better education and facilities for the children of Oklahoma City; however, part of the plan is to consolidate Shidler Elementary School and Lee Elementary School and relocate both in a new building at a location outside of the Shidler-Wheeler neighborhood. This relocation will be detrimental to our community, families, and FaithWorks. Through the community partnership of FaithWorks and the leadership of Principal Ayala, Shidler Elementary has nurtured our children and created community in a forgotten neighborhood. I have seen amazing, surprising and exciting changes in the way our families view education. Please pray that I will have an opportunity to meet with OKCPS board members and Superintendent McDaniel before a decision is made on the relocation. Pray for wisdom as we consider other options for saving Shidler Elementary. I sincerely appreciate your support and prayers for FaithWorks and Shidler Elementary School. Gratefully, Sally


Upcoming Event: Please consider participating in the FaithWorks of the Inner City Annual Golf Tournament Monday, August 29th, River Oaks Golf Club Information and registration are online, register by clicking on the orange button below. This is our fall fundraiser and proceeds will support current programs and building projects.

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